New Release – Ostrich Eggshell Clock

Passionate about clocks?  Stick around! Ostrich & Leather Trading will blow your mind with our latest release – The Ostrich Eggshell Clock.

Humans have been using clocks to keep track of time for thousands of years. Sundials are the first time measuring devices known to men, originally created in Babylon, over six thousand years ago and developed into more functional devices in Ancient Egypt where it became an extremely useful device that remained in continual use for many thousands of years, even managing to survive until today.

The first mechanical clock was invented in the Middle Ages. When and who made it, is not known, but it was around the 13th century.  The oldest working clock is in Salisbury Cathedral, dated from 1386 and it has no dial, instead it chimes the hours.

Ostrich & Leather Trading’s eggshell Clocks don’t date back in centuries, but exceptional it is indeed with its artistically crafted designs and workmanship.

Because you can choose your own art and colours you can create your own design according to your taste and style.

To view this exciting range of Eggshell Clocks, kindly click on “Products – Ostrich Eggshells - Clocks”.

Stay safe, until next week………
