Ladies Small Handbag (6068)

Today’s designer handbags have a long history and Ostrich & Leather’s Trading genuine leather Ladies Small Handbag, the 6068, made me think back to the origin of the designer handbag.

Clothing had no pockets until the 17th century, so men also carried handbags for things like coins, alms, and relics – the Scottish sporran is a survival of this custom and in 1841, Yorkshire entrepreneur Samuel Parkinson, noticed that his wife’s purse was too small and not made of a sturdy enough material for traveling. He wanted to treat her to a custom-made set of hand luggage, so he had leather handbags made for her in varying sizes for different occasions and so Mrs. Parkinson got to own the world’s first designer handbag.

Handbags are unquestionably a necessary accessory for the fairer sex and certainly complement their attire. They need to be practical and fashionable, thus with dimensions of 21cm x 28cm x 10cm the genuine leather Ladies Small Handbag fits the bill. The nylon Zip keeps the contents secure and the cell phone pocket on the inside provides easy access to same. The durable lining gives the 6068 that extra modern classy finish.

The Ladies Small Handbag, item no. 6068, is available in a large variety of colours in any of our Genuine Leather range.

To view more of this stylish Ladies Handbag, kindly click on “Products – Handbags.”

Stay safe, until next week……..
